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I am a woman dedicated to making lives easier, safer, healthier, richer for all people on the planet.

Sunday, January 31, 2016

How do I LOVE ME....

Let me count the ways. Valentines Day is fast approaching. This will cause some of us to feel a little less than if we aren't coupled. But why? Why do we have to be coupled in order to feel good about ourselves. I mentioned to a friend the other day ...well it starts with me. Her reply ws yes it all starts with you and everyone is a mirror. So what if we all just loved ourselves and I mean really loved ourselves what would happen? I suppose if everyone loved themselves first and foremost and really got that we are all connected and there is no separation between me and you, than I would never consciously choose to hurt another human being. If we never hurt another human being , then the possibility of World Peace comes in. So the subject of the paper is how do I love me, let me count the ways. How can I love myself. How can I love, honor and appreciate myself more and more each day? Here are a few ideas: 1. Meditate everyday on the concept of love....what....the more you connect with the divine nature of the Universe the more you will become that. Don't know where to begin. Start here with www.davidji.com. Sign up for a free 21 day meditative process, if you stick with this I guarantee your life will change and you will thank me. 2. Have a spiritual plan and discipline every day even if its reading something positive in the am upon waking and again have it be on self love, perhaps a book called You Can Heal Yourself by Louis Hayes. 3. Tell yourself everyday in the mirror: I love you, you are awesome and amazing. Look deeply into your eyes and then say "I am surrounded by people who love, honor and respect me. 4. Begin to tell everyone that you love them. 5. Hug everybody. 6. Get up and get dressed fabulously everyday even if you do not have plans. 7. Create your bucket list with no thought of how, when, or financial sense, you simply write it out of desire and allow yourself to have as much as you want. I did this yesterday and wrote 3 full pages. 8. Narrow that list to 12. 9. Post that list. 10. Treasure map your number one desire and place it somewhere where you can see it before you go to bed and when you wake up in the am. 11. Take salt baths as often as you can. 12. Buy yourself flowers, literally you can buy inexpensive flowers at Aldi and Trader Joes from $3.00 up. Why wait for someone to give them to you. 13. Buy the best that you can afford, I believe personally you can buy brand new clothes at a Dillards outlet than you can at..... 14. Believe you deserve new clothes and not someone else's energetically printed clothes or accesories. 15. Buy yourself a full length mirror and look at yourself naked everyday and tell yourself you love yourself exactly the way it is, do this even if you don't believe it. Do it until you LOVE your body and yourself, then your body will magically transform itself when you accept it the way it is. 16. Find a Spiritual Community you can connect to even if you had a bad experience as a child, get over it. Spiritual food is a necessity. What are you teaching yourself, your partner and your children. So you may not have agreed with your parents philosophy go out and find a new one and stop complaining about the old one. 17.Make your bedroom and home a sanctuary. 18. Light candles just because you love yourself. 19. Only use products on your body that you can eat. 20. Massage your body daily with coconut oil infused with rose oil and look at yourself in your full length mirror and tell yourself : I love you, you are a beautiful body temple, Thank you for serving me so well. 21. Forgive yourself and everyone in your world. How... Begin with this one simple meditation. Google Forgiveness meditation and the The Monroe Institute, do this meditation once in am and once in pm. Thats all for know I will add to this list. I am off to my weekly Spiritual Center which for me is Centers for Spiritual Living in Asheville, NC because it teaches me how to have my best life ever. May you all have the most amazing Valentines Day 2016 that you ever had. If you follow this program and get amazing results I am always open to receive a love offering via paypal at lynnvilla168@gmail.com.

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