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I am a woman dedicated to making lives easier, safer, healthier, richer for all people on the planet.

Tuesday, January 1, 2013

My thought on 2012 and 2013

I am sitting on a black leather couch overlooking the Chesapeake Bay. It is an amazing view. It has always been a dream of mine to live in a beachhouse so I get to check that one off the list. I started this blog years ago. I am a great writer, always have been and always will be. It's time to put my thoughts out there and share my genius or lack of it with the world and I fancy myself a comedien sometime so don't take me or life that seriously. 2012 is done and over with. For many of us we are grateful for this. 2012 kicked my proverbial a--. We are all still here , the world didn't come to an end and I did not start levitating on December 21 which is my birthday. Those of you who really know me and I mean really know me, know I have some interesting gifts so the following are my intuitive empathic outlook on what happened in 2012 and what is likely to happen in 2013. I think for the lightworkers and you know who you are, or the awakened group of individuals dwelling in this space and time here right now , whether you choose to admit your level of consciousness, I think we all are getting our proverbial a-- kicked if at this point in time if you are not on your spiritual or dharmic path, meaning the path you chose to be on when you incarnated into this plane. If you are not for whatever reason and I will use myself as an example The Universe will start throwing you some interesting stuff and by interesting I mean beyond ridiculous , I am doing my best to remain positive here. So if you feel like the World is or went crazy during the later part of 2012 you are in good company. I do not think we need to spend our precious time or energy rehashing all the wondrous things we managed to create and manifest in 2012 but to sit back and in the words of Christy Corna a very wise Minister I know in Asheville, North Carolina and go "Ha", don't look at it any longer, don't ponder, just be in complete amazement of what you have created. Now the power lies in 2013. New Year, new clean slate to start all over again. What are you going to create? I am happy to know and treat for anyone who wants to share their dreams, desires, goals for 2013. I am a Powerful Manifestress. For me I want to share with the whole world wide web that I intent to create that perfect loving Spiritual partner, have a loving family, open that Retreat center in the woods, BE FINANCIALLY FREE, have a more amazing body in top physical, mental and emotional balance and form, BE living my dreams and passions everyday by being lucratively paid for them. What are you doing, thinking right now? Whatever it is you are setting the tone for 2013. Make it the Best Year Ever. The energies that are around right now are phenomenal and very condusive for manifestation. So my predictions is if you chose to get back on your Dharmic Path now the energies that are around all of us right now will facilitate the process with warp like speed. The other prediction if you stay off path with the level of consciousness that you are at (meaning the boomerane will occur in direct porportion to your knowledge base/level of consciousness) you will start to experience what I call instantaneous Karmic boomerang effect IKBE can I coin that phase. Meaning if you do things you know you ought not be doing the cause and effect is both instantaneous and amazingly mind boggling. Things coming back multiplied ABUNDANTLY and I have seen this, it is neither fun or enjoyable but I have in moments been truly amazed at my Karmic boomerangs and I am ready to embrace a New 2013. What is you Grand Master Plan? If you are reading this it is because you are in my life somehow and I want you to know I am wishing you the Best Year ever, the encouragement and the confidence to follow your dreams and the Divine Guidance of always KNOWING exactly what to do. May you attract everything your heart desires for the highest good for all involved. Go out and share your gift with the world and uplift Humanity!! Blessings, Lynn Villa RScPE Religious Science Practioner Extraordinaire

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